A Living Example
“For I have set you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” - John 13:15 KJV
These were the words Jesus spoke to His disciples after He had washed their feet. I hadn’t read this passage about foot washing in quite a while. I had been praying about what special gift I could give my ladies at our church’s annual ladies retreat. I felt impressed to wash their feet, but wanted to make sure it was God’s idea and not my own.
I continued to pray and wait to clarify what I’d heard. A friend who knew nothing about what I’d been thinking, gave me a notepad in the shape of a foot with the same passage on it. Then one day, while cleaning my closet, I came across my Bible Study Fellowship notes. I opened the notebook right to the story of the foot washing and it also talked about Jesus being on retreat with the disciples. I felt confirmation that He was calling me to wash the ladies feet. After arriving at the retreat, a lady prayed with me about following through on what God had called me to do.
God not only tells us what to do, but will confirm our direction through prayer, scripture, people and circumstances. May we not seek for signs and wonders, but He tells us they will follow those that believe.
Father, please help us to trust Your words to us and help us to be sensitive to Your Holy Spirit’s leading and keep moving in the direction You have for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.